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“Against all odds: How one mother overcame every breastfeeding challenge to achieve success”

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Rachel who was determined to have a natural birth. She spent months preparing for the big day, attending birthing classes, and creating a birth plan. However, things didn’t go as planned, and she had to have an emergency c-section. Rachel felt like she had failed at birth, but she was determined to succeed at breastfeeding.

Rachel faced numerous challenges, including cracked and bleeding nipples, low milk supply, and mastitis on day seven. Unfortunately, she received incorrect information and had to supplement with formula for three days, which caused her baby to experience nipple confusion and refuse the breast.

Despite these setbacks, Rachel never gave up on her goal of breastfeeding her baby. She sought out help from lactation consultants and joined support groups to get the support she needed to keep going. And with time and perseverance, Rachel and her baby finally found their rhythm, and she went on to breastfeed for four and a half years.

Through her experience, Rachel learned that if a mother can establish a good milk supply early on, she can overcome any other breastfeeding challenge that may arise. She would often sing the mantra “Just keep boob’n, just keep boob’n” to remind herself to keep going.

Rachel’s journey was not easy, but she persevered and succeeded in giving her baby the best start in life. She wants other mothers to know that breastfeeding can be challenging, but it’s worth it, and with the right support, they can do it too